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Bilder mit Stimmenaufnahmen durch KI in Bewegung bringen.
Nutzung von GitHub Copilot: "Though each separate experiment is noisy, combined across all three experiments and 4,867 software developers, our analysis reveals a 26.08% increase (SE: 10.3%) in the number of completed tasks among developers using the AI tool."
Ein KI-Modell, das Bilder mit Stable Diffusion auf Basis vorhandener Trainingsdaten und Eingaben erzeugt, sodass man das Spiel ohne Engine spielen kann, weil die Regeln in der Eingabe und in den Pixeln der Trainings-Bilder kodiert ist.
Generierung von konsistenten Medien, konkret Bilder und Videos.
Suchmaschine für Public-Domain-Bilder
Ein Python-Skript, das eine Heatmap über den Einfluss von Token auf die Ausgabe für die Analyse von Sprachmodellen erstellt.
Modell zur Erstellung von 3D-Modellen aus einzelnen Bildern
Argumente und Beispiele für die Herausforderungen von KI bei der Medienerstellung.
This means that if a dangerous asteroid were ever detected heading for Earth, a mission to smash into it would probably be able to divert it away from the planet.
Since the release of the first text-to-speech (TTS) model, researchers have been looking for ways to improve the way these systems generate speech. The
Ancient Roman concretes have survived millennia, but mechanistic insights into their durability remain an enigma. Here, we use a multiscale correlative elemental and chemical mapping approach to investigating relict lime clasts, a ubiquitous and conspicuous mineral component associated with ancient Roman mortars. Together, these analyses provide new insights into mortar preparation methodologies and provide evidence that the Romans employed hot mixing, using quicklime in conjunction with, or instead of, slaked lime, to create an environment where high surface area aggregate-scale lime clasts are retained within the mortar matrix. Inspired by these findings, we propose that these macroscopic inclusions might serve as critical sources of reactive calcium for long-term pore and crack-filling or post-pozzolanic reactivity within the cementitious constructs. The subsequent development and testing of modern lime clast–containing cementitious mixtures demonstrate their self-healing potential, thus paving the way for the development of more durable, resilient, and sustainable concrete formulations.
Interactive taxonomic map to explore 2.6M scientifically described biological taxa. Zoom in from domain (eukaryotes, bacteria, archaea) up to species level.
Understand your body, simplify your workout.